10 FUN AND EASY indoor activities for 2 year-OLDS

Read – Most 2-year-olds will listen to as many books as you will read them. Pick ones that you like, too, so you don’t mind revisiting them over and over. Make silly voices, read in different pitches and tempos. Be patient when your toddler wants to talk about things on the page, skip pages, go back, etc.

Click here to check out this educational tool. By the age of 2 years old, many kids should be able to understand more than 50 words and should be able to start following directions. Another good way you can talk to your toddler is by asking them questions about things they did or are going to do. You don't want an army of crazy kids running around, ruining everything on the way. When toddlers are involved, everything can go wrong, and to minimize the risk of a fiasco, minimize the number of attendants.

The ULTIMATE Collection of Toddler Activities

Her ability to focus during this year has increased by leaps and bounds. Whether it’s with blocks, or toothpicks and marshmallows, let your child experiment with building. You wouldn’t necessarily think of chores as being on a list of activities to do at home with a 2 year old. BabySchooling has made it our mission to provide you with the best, most actionable parenting information on the internet. From real parents with real experiences who knows what the best baby products are and what actually works when trying to get your baby to sleep at 3am. Charades – Reenact things that are part of your normal routine like eating, drinking, brushing teeth, getting dressed, getting in the car, etc.

what to do with your 2 year old at home

Thus, you have to find activities that cater to both, and benefit all aspects of their little personalities. Should you have any concerns about your health, or of that of your baby or child, please consult with your doctor. Parenting.Firstcry.com accepts no liability for any errors, omissions or misrepresentations. Your use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use.

Create with playdough

Cookie Sheet Sensory Play by Twin Mom Refreshed is a quick to set up sensory activity. Towel Holder and Rolls For Toddlers by Powerful Mothering using paper towel rolls and is great for toddlers. MegaBlok Names by Happy Toddler Playtime is a quick set up activity to practice name recognition.

what to do with your 2 year old at home

Parents are led to overthinking it when in reality, sensory play is something that is quite simple to come up with. This is especially true if you spend a lot of time outside. I love this activity because it is so open-ended. Your toddler can use their imagination however they like and create whatever they wish.

Tips for working parents

Grab a tennis ball, stand apart and play a game of catch. The beauty of this game is that you can play it both inside and out. Eye spy is an easy one to get them started - challenge them to spotting a red car, bike, sheep etc.

what to do with your 2 year old at home

These quick wins are designed to get you started implementing some strategies that are rooted in love and backed by science. Giving children some predictable anchors helps them to have a sense of control and thus fewer tantrums. Research shows that if we allow toddlers to help, even when helping might mean more of a mess than if you did it yourself, really pays off in the long run.

And after that, there’s an endless variety of homemade mixes that are fun to play with. Myfavorite is Oobleck, although it’s more appreciated by older kids. For toddler fun, try outrainbow slime,salt dough,finger paint, andKoolaid playdough. Pull some books from your 2 year olds book shelf and sit together and read. They say that readers are created on their parents’ laps. You can find out about engaging early readers with chapter books here, and some of our favourite books for toddlers are listed here.

what to do with your 2 year old at home

This article is not intended to skew your mind into thinking that your child MUST know these concepts. My daughter loves to grab a puzzle and put in 3 pieces and walk away or sit down and read 2 pages and then walk away. Teach your 2-year-old how to act appropriately to avoid tantrums in public. Tryputting rules in placewhen you are out so they know what is expected of them. Always have a way to redirect or distract them when you see a tantrum starting .

As a pediatric occupational therapist, I know that children can learn a significant amount of knowledge through their everyday play. At this age, children are like little sponges, picking up every bit of information about the world around them. The majority of things that your two year old learns will be through play and normal social interaction. Your 2-year-old explores constantly — through her sense of taste.

what to do with your 2 year old at home

While the complexities of Jackson Pollock’s art may not get through to your little learner, it’s fun to recreate the famous artist’s work, toddler-style. Spread out a sheet of butcher paper and let your tot splatter away using different sizes of brushes. Are you looking for activities for 2-year-olds? Not just run-of-the-mill crayon and paper scribbles or racing toy cars around on the floor, but activities that will engage, excite and inspire your toddler? Whether you’re at home, on the go or out and about, these pint-sized play activities will inspire learning. Start with easy directions like, “Simon says, place both hands on your cheeks”.

For example, when you say clean up in 5 more minutes, set a timer for 5 minutes to ring when it’s time. The markers come out clear if they are used on any other surface besides the paper. On these special sheets, they’ll turn a color so your toddler sees the masterpiece that they are creating. They have so many characters available so I’m sure you can find a pack that your child will love. Have your toddler describe the pictures to you and you can even ask them questions about the pictures or the words that you just read.

what to do with your 2 year old at home

Between 2 and 3, many children will be fully capable of using the toilet. Puzzles are a great activity for fine and visual motor skills (hand-eye coordination). Having to fit a piece into it’s correct spot by turning and manipulating it is great for visual-spatial awareness. The concept of one-to-one correspondence comes later, but many toddlers can get the idea early on. They’ll love coloring pictures, but getting them used to making marks will help improve their drawing and writing down the road. Print out pictures of their favorite characters or get a coloring book from their favorite tv show.


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